The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue

by Epee Em, giver336

Part 61: Disgraceful, Yeti. FOR SHAME!

GeneralYeti's First Look: JapanMan

Alright, hey, I'm back folks! And without the drugs this time! (Strangely, this has made my gameplay worse and not better )

Our boss this time is JapanMan/YamatoMan. He's a strange one, though pretty simple. The update went over his boss AI pretty well, so I'm not gonna bother repeating it.

I'm still not sure how not being on drugs made me worse at the game..

Three tries. That's actually kinda embarrassing - though in my defense I'd never fought this boss before so his techniques were a little hard to pin down at first. I think my biggest problem was that when I started losing territory, I panicked - I retreated to the back and couldn't block or hit him to save my life. If I stayed calm, I probably would have had an easier time with it. It didn't help that I ran out of chips near the end; remember, this folder was made for me by Giver, and I had no idea what I was going to get until my first custom screen showed up. Pretty much the only thing he told me was 'You have Reflect' (which I had no idea how to trigger at first, though I figured it out quick enough) and 'I want to see the Bruce Lee finisher' which I didn't do.

Remember, I'm by no means great or even good at this game. This is basically my first look at these bosses, the kind of look the regular player would see. If you want highly skilled gameplay, watch the video Giver posted.

JapanMan status: Bombed